MicroSeq 2024
Welcome to MicroSeq, an online conference designed to bring together early career researchers in Australia and New Zealand from a broad range of microbiology domains, who are united by their use of DNA and RNA sequencing technologies to investigate microbes.
This event was born from the observation that our national program lacks the opportunity for cross-disciplinarily interaction and discussion on the broader use of high-throughput sequencing. With the impact of COVID19-so many event cancellations resulting in limited opportunities for early career researchers to network, present and receive feedback on their work, it seemed like the perfect time to try something new. We were delighted by the success of the previous three iterations, so we have decided to do it again. Despite being online, this is a highly dynamic conference, with prizes for best talk, including people’s choice awards, loads of prizes for best questions asked, and even a prize for GatherTown quest winners.
Please keep an eye on our Twitter account @MicroSeq_ASM for updates pertaining to MicroSeq2024 or subscribe to the mailing list below.
We are grateful to all organisations that have provided support for MicroSeq2024. The Australian Society for Microbiology has provided registration support and sponsors both the Best Talk and Best Lightning Talk prize. We are also grateful to the Australasian Virology Society and Microbial Genomics for providing further prizes.

To keep up to date with conference registration and MicroSeq2024 information, please subscribe to the mailing list below: